Hier finden Sie die Übersicht unserer Vereinstrainingszeiten
Eiskunstlaufen lernen von den Profis bei EJE!
EJE Satzung
Die Vorstandsmitglieder des Vereins
22,000 square feet of climbing surface
Solid Rock Wall Systems this type of construction creates a high tech, seamless climbing surface that is the closest thing to real rock you can find. That’s why our indoor rock climbing facility built by this unique wall system
Climb more
22,000 square feet of climbing surface
Train hard
Climbing instruction classes + private instruction available
Feel safe
A dedicated and skilled route-setting staff
Look good
Dedicated area with Fitness weight training and stretching + slackline
Rest better
Free wifi+members lounge
Improve results
Custom-built campus board
Do more
Yoga + YogaHot classes, crossFit, and fitness workshops
Shop best
Our shop for all your climbing needs
do your best!
A brilliant strength workout is climbing. Shorter climbs are all about power, while over longer climbs you can work on your stamina.
You need to concentrate on manoeuvres while you climb, which will help you build problem-solving skills.
Technique is all
Use your legs and let your arms dead hang until your next move, becouse tension in your arms will fatigue you quickly. It’s not just about strength but how well you move.
Bodyweight rules
A pull-ups aid your climbing strength, so you should spend more time on bodyweight exercise. No one cares about what you can bench or squat on a rock wall.
Limber up
There’s nothing worse than cramping up mid-movement and coming off the wall to swing around like a fool. Devote time to stretching before and after your climb.
Plan your route
A route plan is essentially a cheat sheet that helps you to make decision before hand and keep track of your progress. Pick your route difficulty and assess the best way up.
11 bouldering areas with a great mix of angles to sample
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Eiskunstlauf Flohmarkt
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